Peace is the beauty of life

in #peace6 years ago

Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth.

The beauty of life is in living it. Think about it for  a moment. Life is the only thing we know. The mornings, the sky, your favorite savories or movies, even the people dearest to you- everything exists only because you are breathing.

So, appreciate your life. No matter how different you would like it to be. It is still the most invaluable and a very fragile gift.

The mundane joys that we experience and share everyday are the most beautiful form of chaos. Soak yourself in it. Live every moment without complaining.

Peace comes when you break up your routine and give little attention to the future. It shows you what you’re missing as you rush in and out of the door each morning. The stillness we’re looking for is here. Always here. But we’re missing it. It’s there when you leave for work and wave to the corner crossing guard. 

Peace is in a kitten’s purr or the smell of cookies in the oven. It’s the feeling after a hearty meal and stays through an evening nap. 

Peace is in your favorite song or in a wish of good luck to a loyal friend. It’s in the touch of your favorite book and in the smell of your favorite scent. It’s in your lover’s hand as you trace the lines in their palm, each with a story to tell. Peace shouldn’t be measured in time. It doesn’t come in the form of tic or toc. 

The beauty of peace is that it will always show up. Even if you don’t take time to recognize it.