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RE: Short Term Plans for the Land - (There's no Rush, BUT) I've Just Got to Sort my Shit Out!

in #permaculture3 years ago

Yeah, and if you put just a small amount of water in it and leave it in the sun it gets quite warm and even hot in the summer months. Seems like you are a ways away from having any kind of plumbed water or I would recommend a portable on-demand propane water heater which makes life so much better. There is nothing like having hot water to soak in and/or absolutely plunging into the cold water in the heat of the day is awesome and refreshing.


Oh I am a long way off plumbing - I was in the hardware store the other day just kind of staring at the WALL of connectors and fittings and just walked away without buying anything.

Someone else I was talking to mentioned a portable propane water heater I might look into getting one - but I won't need one now really until November!

I should have included this earlier but a small camping tent makes for a great place to keep your poop bucket as well as your cover material and all the essentials. A tent devoted solely to that purpose makes things quite convenient.