Am I doing something wrong?

in #personal7 years ago

I just don't get it, I've been filling out application after application no fewer than 2-3 a day. Yet nothing, no call, no interview, not even a no. I fully expected the job market to be tough out here. I mean for years now Colorado has been experiencing a huge population increase. Just looking around the springs you'll find "homeless" people begging on the corner, but is it really this tough that I can spend a whole month here and only get 2 interviews. One of which turned me away for trying to be honest as to what they would find in the "drug test", and the other is probably discriminating agenst me because I'm male. You know there are a lot of people in this world who think whites have some kind of advantage, white privilege if you will. I'm sorry but I just don't see it, as a single white male I'm not protected from discrimination by anything. Infact I'm more likely to be discriminated against because of some of the non-discrimination laws. IDK I just felt like ranting a little, love you guys. Hope all is well on your end. Not sure where this road is taking me, but hopefully it's going to involve getting back to my steem posts soon ;)


I can only hope this is the case lol. I don't know what the future holds, but I can't wait to see it.