What do you think about Human Design and Gene Keys?

in #personality3 years ago

Psychic astrological reincarnation mumbo jumbo for the weak minded, easily-fooled masses searching for meaning or a significant tool for understanding our own avatar journey in this simulated matrix that clarifies who we are and what we came here to do?

I don’t know, but I do find it interesting. I’m sharing these details not because I think anyone in particular should be all that interested in the being labeled “Luke Stokes” but becuase I want it here to pop up in my memories each year and to give you example of what some of this stuff looks like for a more interesting response on what you think of these two patterns. If any of this is real, maybe I’ve completely exposed myself transparently so you can know how I function and use it to your advantage. 🙂

Here’s my Human Design summary:


Type: Projector
Aura: Focused and Absorbing
Strategy: Wait for Invitation
Authority: Emotional - Solar Plexus
Profile: 3-5 Martyr/Heretic
Definition: Triple Split Definition
Not-Self: Bitterness
Signature: Success
Incarnation Cross: Right Angle Cross at Tension 4

3-5 Martyr/Heretic:

“The 3-5 profile can be one of the more difficult profiles to feel at harmony with the rest of humanity. Between the projection not always being invited and the experiments being judged, the 3-5 person can feel pressure from the world to withdraw to get out of the heat. Yet the 5th line is determined to make change and will push the 3-5 out there again, to project the way.”

The Right Angle Cross of Tension:

“Your Cross carries the energy of tension that is necessary to maintain order in a tribal environment. This may play out in family, work or community, but the tension is a necessary provocation to keep the group aligned and in order. The tension also helps to provoke response which provides opportunity for more effective leadership.”

And here are some thoughts on my Gene Keys:


My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Authority.
To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Control.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of Interference into the Gift of Teamwork.
The highest expression of my heart is Epiphany.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Leadership.
I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Arrogance.
I thrive best as part of a large network.

My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 38:
You are one of the great warriors of the world, and you need to find your ultimate life battle. Your battle goes beyond your own sense of self. It is about serving a higher code and setting a standard of honour for the
inspiration of everyone else. If this sounds like a tall order, then you may have to dig deeper within yourself to find what you are really capable of. With the Gift of Perseverance, you are not here to sit on the sidelines of
life. You are here to fight for what you believe in, and to make a stand against the forces that attempt to undermine the individual. However, you are not an anarchist. Your role is not to tear down what others have built. You are here to challenge anything that takes away an individual's freedom and makes them less than they could be. You are a force for justice in the world, so you had better pull yourself into the fray if you are not there already!

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 39:
Your greatest challenge in life is to overcome the human tendency to take everything personally. At an emotional level, you can be very volatile if you are not fully engaged in projects that command your full attention and effort. There is danger for you to become idle — and even more if you make compromises that do not allow your spirit enough room to breathe. If you are fulfilled by your Life's Work, you will not have any energy left over to worry about what others think of you. You need to go your own way in life without having to defend your position. At the same time, you need to be respectful of the feelings of others.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 48:
Security is likely to be a major unconscious issue in your life. This may manifest as a deep-seated need to try and create the feeling of security through material acquisition. However, whatever you do on the surface will
never take away your sense of unease. Your unease is simply a natural symptom of being highly gifted. The less you give in to the fear and the more you trust what your body tells you, the more secure you will feel. Everything will show up just as it needs to if you allow it, but you will have to undergo a deep process of trusting the feelings inside your body. Nothing your body feels can ever be wrong. You simply have to embrace it and let it pass through. As you go deeper into this trust process, your body will become clearer
and lighter, and your outer life will reflect this. Eventually, your life will become so simple and beautiful that you will never again experience fear about anything.

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 21:
Your sole purpose in life is to be a living inspiration for others to follow. You are a hands-on kind of person, and you will never be one to shirk responsibility. Your creed should be to never ask anything of another that you wouldn't do yourself. You are a born leader within your community and if you are gentle and firm, you will be an umbrella for many people, especially in challenging times. You are here to hold a vision within your
field and to manage, feed, and maintain this vision for those who share it. Within your milieu you will find trust and recognition when you wear your power lightly rather than making a big deal of it. You are the kind of
person who can lead others while at the same time working right there alongside them, getting dirty. Ultimately, you will be remembered for the spirit of love and service you bring to those with whom you work
and live, and for tirelessly standing up for those less fortunate than yourself.

So I guess that’s who I incarnated to be on this go around... Or that’s just some vaguely worded encouragement and challenge that could be applied to most anyone. What do you think?


Hello Fellow projector ... when I began this entire human design journey, I thought i was going to grasp everything about it at once or relatively quick...I eventually got to realize that it’s a lifelong thing,...

Every time since that time, I continue to see correlation with what’s in theory and myself as practical.

I find the human design concept very interesting

Gene keys seems to be very detailed and powerful, it gave me many cues. In general system seems to be logically integral and it's open so it only depends on the user's imagination how can it be used.