
What can I say, I worked really hard on all those other pics I uploaded, and the stupid cat got more attention than all of them together :)
The people have spoken! shit posts ftw!

I'll be honest with you. Whatever you do going forward, do not take advantage it.

I can see the humor here though! And it has nothing to do with cats. Sometimes things just, work out.

Thats ok, some dickhead already put down energy and money to downvote half the sum :) strongest force in the universe - jealousy :)

That wasn't jealousy. I had a feeling it was coming. Has more to do with the voters and nothing to do with you.

haters gonna hate, i don't really care :)

Had nothing to do with hate. I hope you at least enjoyed the shit post of the day award. That's a joke I haven't used in a long, long time.

Loved it :) thank you :)