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RE: Annoyed by the "know it all" complex.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Yeah.. Actually.. I just became aware of a study recently that showed people go into a sort of fight or flight physical reaction when key beliefs are challenged.. And I notice this in myself sometimes, though I don't think it's as bad as I see with a lot of others, for the most part..

So literally, when we are arguing or debating we are sort of, fighting with our egos, and if you are to be wrong and humble yourself enough to admit you're wrong, then your old self dies.. So it's kinda like part of you is really dying.. But.. most people can never admit they are wrong, so most debates end in neither side changing their viewpoint, and often becoming even more entrenched in their own.

But.. If you're okay with ego death and truly trying to get to the bottom of things to the best of your ability, I think it's a lot easier.

Thanks for the thoughtful response! I feel like this is a really important subject. It deserves more to be said about it in general!