
in #philosophy2 years ago

I prefer to believe something more evident and scientifically accepted than to believe something that sounds illogical to me regardless of weather or not one is more depressive than the other. I rather live my life under what I believe to be the truth rather than what I believe to be fallacious. I do not wish to believe that there is a man in the sky who is looking at my every move and judging everything I do. I do not wish to follow outdated morals that are clearly unreasonable (in my opinion) in a modern society. We all have our own meanings of life, yours might be that there is a god who sent us here with a purpose and you must fulfill that purpose, mine might be to make a positive impact on our society and enjoy my life and live freely.

Not believing in a man in the sky and not following a 2000 year old text does not equate to depression. Lots of people find it easy to live with the truth and accept that life is what it is. Automatically correlating atheism to depression is like correlating Islam to terrorism.
You believe what you believe and that is your choice and you know what you believe better than anyone else does, the same applies to me and everyone else. You don't know me well enough to understand my values in life and what I care about most in life. I don't believe social constructs or desires are of higher importance than happiness, enjoyment, or life fulfillment.


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