Are You Afraid of Failure?

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Two days ago, I went to university to get my exam card. It was rather unpleasant day because I was out of focus that made me go back and forth almost four times to get all the necessary documents. I had a mixed feeling about that day, but while I was waiting my turn in front of the waiting room, I sat next to a girl who out of nowhere started greeting me in English. Then, that's when we started exchanging short yet meaningful conversation.And, among all the questions she asked, there was one that caught more of my attention.


Are you afraid of failure?

My instant answer that moment was,I am not afraid. Ofcourse, after that she asked my further explanation. To which I replied,I am not afraid of failure because I always think and experience life as if I am in a roller coaster ride.Similarly,my amom used to say life is like a moving wheel- sometimes you are up, middle, down, you just never know. All you have to do is enjoy each minute of it and move on.

My road to success;becoming the person I want to be is not always easy. There are days when I lost my hope and I just want to quit. Yet, there are days when I notice my hardwork pays off and it motivates me to do better.

I think I am quite observant and I have seen a lot of failures personally and even from people around me. I always try to learn from their mistakes or what caused them having a moment they refer as "failure".

I have failed multiple times and the fact that I often make it through, change my outlook on life. I am trying to see it more in an optimistic way.I have hope which includes believing in a good result but also the willingness to do what it takes to reach the goals.

Furthermore,I have seen life through the pessimistic side and I've come to understanding that if I want to be successful as per my standard, I have to start seeing setbacks as a challenge rather than a failure. I might sort of "fail" in the future but I can always get back up again; just like I did for the past 21 years.

Now, Are You Afraid of Failure?

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Ah... I've had this post in a tab for days waiting for me. I like the way you see things, I guess we think more or less the same way.

I'm not afraid of failure, because I rather fail miserably than not knowing the answer. My analogy of life is this "Life is like a bicycle, it'll fall if you stop going... however, it's not only going straight, without knowing how to turn"

We gotta keep on going and adjusting our path accordingly, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Thanks for the meaningful post @macchiata!


I also like your analogy. I think that we also have to know what we're doing and learn from our mistakes. I also agree that there are something that works and some that doesn't.

thank you for taking the time to go back and reading this post!
Have a great day!

fear of failure will only keep one person in one place. worried about stepping forward. so no effort to move forward. I am not afraid to fail, because what? because I know failure will make me better. I can learn the things that make the failure happen and try not to come up with it again.

Without feeling the failure we can not feel the pleasure of a success

wow so motivational story. thank you. :) instead of afraid of failure we must do strong work to over the fear.

Well said,

we must do strong work to over the fear.

first answer, yes. all of us always affraid of failure. but when we use our mind to think deeply, we don't need to affraid it we just have to face it. failure is part of life too. if we never get fail in life how can we learn to success.

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As you point out in your last alinea, we never actually fail, we just learn. It's all meant to be. It's the negative connotation that we add to it, even the word failure ( opposed to so called success ), that makes us feel like we're failing at all. It's only a matter of perspective ;>)