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RE: Falling In Love With Life (Restoring A Truthful Society)

in #philosophy2 years ago

Integrity, yes. The change for the better, the fairer, the more loving, begins in our own hearts. If we allow lies from ourselves, we must accept lies from others. We have been trained to be otherwise, and from very early ages.

I am not convinced we need a world completely without money of any kind, but we certainly need a world where give and take is not assumed to be the only way. We have much to give! Give without thought of return, especially of money. This is different from giving to charities, where we expect a return of sorts when we give. Give for the warm and fuzzy feeling you get when a gift is given, and for nothing else.


We have much to give! Give without thought of return, especially of money.

I second that -- I am not expecting people to change their minds overnight but with people thinking like you we'll get there eventually!