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RE: Abusive relationships and some ranting

"...I had the mutant power of always find the most toxic people to fall for."

LOL All too relatable.

"...The red flags always existed, and I chose not to see them..."

I did see them, and found a variety of excuses to ignore them, or pretend they weren't red flags at all, or etc. I desired a relationship the red flags indicated could not exist, and pursued that relationship despite the red flags alerting me, not because I didn't see them.

"These experiences seem to be unavoidable for us, mere humans..."

We only succeed by failing up. We make mistakes, learn from them, and avoid them in the future, enabling us to succeed by learning from our failures.



We only succeed by failing up. We make mistakes, learn from them, and avoid them in the future, enabling us to succeed by learning from our failures.

I think eventually we all get this... but it can't be taught, you have to learn it yourself.
