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RE: Happy Mother's Day

in #photograohy5 years ago

Thank you so much for those kind words. The woman really was a Saint. I kid you not. I wish I could claim to be one-quarter of what she was. But, yes! What you said is true. They have the one day set aside and many people use that one day to honor their mother.

Hello? All the time, effort, love, lost sleep, miles driven! A mothers work is never done.

I also think we should celebrate Mother's Day every day of their lives.

Thank you! !tip


Not kind just what came to mind, you really are going to ruin my reputation with that Kind word LOL

I to was truly blessed with wonderful parents , as I child I perhaps didnt see it but as I reached adult hood I realized how truly blessed I was with them

Heheh! Truth!!! I want to spread the word on just how KIND you are! ;)

We were both lucky in life to have wonderful parents, and yes, I don't think I realized just how lucky until I looked around me at all the throwaway kids that have passed through my life.


Bah Humbug, OK I know that’s for Christmas but it was the first thing that came to mind about your first sentence,

Indeed I think having Children also makes us more appreciative of our parents,I know it did for me