Camel and blue sky

in #photography7 years ago

Sharing some photos during visit the Kadma area, north of Kuwait.
Camels look very impressive with blue sky and white cloud.
The friendly shepherd poses with smile ... ^^






Thank you for posting @abdullar, nim.

Lovely photographs of these beautiful, graceful creatures.

Wishing you and yours a Happy Christ-mas. Cheers.

Good photo.

Lovely to see you here at @abdullar's site.

All the best to you. Cheers.

Great photos!

nice brother very beautiful pictures @abdullar
Beautiful Pictures of National Park Tanzania Africa

الجمل الابيض عندنا بالمغرب خصوصا بالمنطق الصحراوية جنوب المملكة يعتبر جمل دو سلالة رفيعة عكس باقي الجمال واي انتى جمل لها لون ابيض فانها تأخد كل التقدير و الاهتمام من صاحبها وتعتبر الاغلى تمنا مقارنة بباقي الجمال
ولا يمكن تزويجها الا بجمل ابيض متلها للحفاظ على تلك السلالة
صورة جد رائعة واجبتني صورة الجمل الاسود يظهر عليه العناء :(

I'm quite surprised to see a lot of beautiful photography. I've been campaigning very well. The camel is really beautiful. I have seen many times, I love him very much.

Amazing photo..

In the desert, the only vehicle in which people move, you ride under the blue sky and capture the desert nicely into your camera, thank you so much

Really wanna see a camel with my eyes!
Awesome sky:)

Hope to ride on him someday.

Great pictures! What camera did you use? :)

Good shots!

Attractive pictures.

it's amazing. I can't even imagine that I can see a camel infront of me.

I wish to ride on it someday, this is awesome

nice pictures. love the natural looking

they are so much taller than I imagine in my mind...the things they could say about the tales on the wind...their hoofs attract me some how like they are padded and squishy...

Niiice one Bro !!it exists too much at home,in Morocco :D

Good day~~*

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Love it <3 Here in My County (romania)is very cold :( i would Like To be there in This place ... i Really miss The summer ! Thank you for giving me good vibes with This post !

Beautiful photos! I like them! You have my support ;) Also, I would really appreciate if you could check out my profile, I do photography too:)

Beautiful photos. Luv looking at pictures of places that I may never get to visit. Thanks.

Great photos. Did you get to ride the camels. How was it. I heard they spit?

압둘라님, Clayop님께서 프로젝트로 진행하는 것중 사진 소모임을 만들고자 합니다. 혹시 관심있으시면 참여 부탁드려요^^

Wow! @abdullar what are you doing there? Looks amazing. I love how expansive the desert is. I would love to visit there! Beautiful post!

Nice. Follow me all

Damn, feeling fomo here haha. Great photos. Didn't realize camels were that big

you are really a great photographer man. i love your photography. im feeling lucky to be your follower

Impressive perspective and gorgeous desert shot, abdullar! Congratulations, my friend!

dou you want the my photo gallery?

Wow, amazing pictures!! :) ♥

kwait, a beautiful place due to deserts. Nice camels photography, looking really lion of deserts.

This is so nice. I don’t know about you, but camels are one of the coolest mammals. Seeing them in the desert would be surreal. Really appreciate this post!

owooooooo this is amazing love it thanks for shere friend

Postingan yg bagus..
Good job