
Hi @ace108 its hard to say goodby but if you want me to take care of her , that #beautifulsunday tag , i will gladly hold on to her untill you are back, from being gone from the tag, if that is even possible. the tag will stay the same might change the rules for entering but , let me know if you need someone to babysit this tag

I'm quite sure the tag will still stay.
I'll still come and check on the posts but anyone is free to post with the tag and run what with it.
If you're interested to run with the community , let me know and I'll make you "mod"

So sorry to hear you are moving on. I always enjoyed #beautifulsunday, but you have to do what's best for you.
Glad we can still use the tag though, I just think it's lovely!
Good luck, be well.

Someone has offered to run with this.
Let see how it goes. I'll probably still use it.

I also enjoy #beautifulsunday contest and will try to continuously post here this tag because it is really beautiful photography contest theme.

This one has no down votes. Maybe if you dont vote all the stat votes, they flags stop? I dont know but worth a shot.

Nope. They are still at it so I guess it's useless.

I am thinking the same. I'll stop for a week and see what happens but no high hopes.

Hey @themarkymark if he stops upvoting the stat posts, will you guys stop flagging him??