a few pictures😎

in #photography6 years ago

The tide was rising. The tulip Dutchman turned to the ocean:

- Separates, reunites, poisons, harbors, exposes. Running and retreating, everything takes with him.

- What is it? I asked.

"Water," replied the Dutchman. - And time.

 Поднимался прилив. Тюльпановый Голландец обернулся к океану:
— Разлучает, воссоединяет, отравляет, укрывает, разоблачает. Набегая и отступая, всё уносит с собой.
— И что это? — спросила я.
— Вода, — ответил Голландец. — И время. 


Thank you for sharing this information @andrianna and very useful to us all.

Amazing photography.
I like this life.
I appreciate your blog.

Good post..

have your face compliment the fashion by not covering with the phone if possible. thanks for sharing

Awesome Capture dud.

Cool photography, i love every photographer also you.

You looks awesome in this gray one !

good post..thank you for shahring