UK ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHY - 'Picture within a Picture'... - Black and white

Following on from my lines picture yesterday, I present to you... 'Picture within a Picture'... I think the sharp lines go well with the black and white genre.

What do you think to it?

'Picture within a Picture'...

picture within a picture.JPG

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Thank you for looking! Much love, @beautifulbullies xx

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I agree completely. The almost three dimensional techniques employed by you look really cool. Love it, some great shot there, bud. :)

Thanks so much! :D I hadn't picked up on the 3D aspect until you pointed it out lol I am waiting for a sunny day so I can get back to doing the UK tours using photography :) I am hoping to get out tomorrow somewhere interesting. Thank you for your comment!

i think it's beautiful within beautiful !

Thank you sir! :D

this is better than picture of Bridge of Hope

lol is it happier for you xD

Hello its adnan follow back ad me any blog i will upvote back

Nice stuff! #Proper

thank you :)

Calling @originalworks :)
img credz:
Nice, you got a 42.0% @trafalgar upgoat, thanks to @beautifulbullies
It consists of $14.4 vote and $4.8 curation
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Picture in picture, love it!

thank you :)

Very nice black and white, the black frames makes the picture good :)

thank you :)

A pure black and white with line symmetry creates a typical English aura of the Formal English Etiquette... Great photo , @beautifulbullies :)

thank you so much :)

my pleasure :)

Great post

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thank you :)