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RE: Jeana Turner Sexy Photoshoot. Enjoy !!!!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Most of the people don't use that website so I'm just kind of promoting them here in steemit community, why can that be considered spam. Most of the people promote stuff from other websites here by citing them right or is there any rule not to do so. Please tell me if don't know as I'm new here.


If you are just promoting another website, decline payout when you post. You are still trying to profit from another site's work and profit at the expense of original content creators. It's just bad netiquette.

You could instead post a single image and a personal description of why people should visit the host site. Treat it as a review of their product. That would be far more in line with legal and moral fair use, plus a better fit with Steemit culture.

Ok thanks for the reply : )