
I wanted to wait until you least expected it...

Dude! How are you?? 😄

doing fine. This pandemic killed the fun from my town that never had a lot of fun :) started building VR :D

My photography is suffering. All in all, can't really complain.

How are you doing? If i remember last thing was "i am moving".

I guess if there's not enough excitement in your world you can always build your own! @jarvie introduced me to VR (I'm late to the party) and I was blown away. That's an exciting space to play in...

I'm doing well, thank you. That's right,I moved to the USA, and while I'm very happy and extremely busy working as a real estate photographer, it killed the free time and mental space that I needed to be creative in and enjoy Steemit (or Hive). I really missed it these years, and still do, but it's comforting to find familiar faces here still!

yes there are some still here :)

Glad you are doing good. See ya on the chain :)

Yes indeed, see you around!