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RE: This Single Life

in #photography6 months ago

I can't skate, but those are some nice looking rinks :)

the person behind me can go fuck themselves until a passing lane opens up

lol. Tailgaters can eat shit and die. And also spin out and crash into the ditch on their way by.


Once upon a time coming back from Utah in December on snowy interstates there was one of those people, you know the kind that thinks they know how to drive and their car is the best and they are invincible? Well they zipped past me and a bunch of other people and I just knew.

Fortunately when I caught up to them and passed them freshly spun out and in a ditch next to that super icy patch under the overpass nobody looked dead.

I'm going skating on the beach in San Diego in two weeks! Ice is gonna be shit, probably, but still. Cool rink.