This Single Life

in #photography7 months ago


Who am I kidding, there's no such thing as sleep anymore. There's only long naps squeezed in shortly before dawn after a night of drifting and thrashing and thinking when, really, I should have just stayed up writing through the melatonin haze to satiate my word addiction.

Would it be easier if there was a human sleeping next to me? A lulling snore vibrating out of a warm body that smells all nice like soap and sex? Or would it limit my thrashing range, prevent me from bunching and wadding up the covers and curling up on top of them like a dog at 6am? These are important things to consider when contemplating the maintenance of long term single life.

Single. It's great. Single means I can jump in the car and drive for hours on end to visit three different rinks in Washington without having to answer to anybody.

Downtown Bellevue, Washington. Seasonal overpriced pop-up rink.


Winthrop, Washington. Seasonal outdoor rink for skating and hockey. Totally awesome to skate on.

Spokane, Washington. Numerica Ice Ribbon. Also Seasonal. Also my favorite because it has a downhill and uphill and kids half my age doing ice freestyle in hockey skates like me. Might have to go back.





Single also means I'm the only one doing the driving on those single lane icy mountain roads going from one town to the next when the sun sets at 4.


But single means there's nobody telling me how to drive and I can go as slow as I want and the person behind me can go fuck themselves until a passing lane opens up.


Single means having nobody to share the spectacular view of the Northern Cascades in the moonlight on this crisp, clear night, save for the friendly young guy in the 4-runner who stutters a reply when I remark on how gorgeous the vista is.


Thanks, stranger, for reminding me just how much power a moonlit girl can wield over another wandering soul.

Single also means there's nobody to help me unload the car when I get home. Nobody to help me do the dishes or take out the trash or split the cost of gas. Single is not synonymous with freedom. Not financially, and not when it comes to skipping the chores for too many days in a row.


And single people don't always remember they've made the same mistake multiple times this year of trying out a new cat litter when really there's only one that works for this cat. Sure, there's no dust, but that means you're stepping on flavor crystals in the middle of the night when you get up to pee after the cat. Probably a good thing that you're single at this point, but a preventative reminder would have been nice.


Single's all right. A little lonely. A little goofy. A little wild, a little lame. A little fat some days, skinny on others, depending on the mood. Dog doesn't seem to mind.

Single is super safe. Cozy, comfortable, bumming around the apartment in crazy hair and a makeshift tanktop printed with gold cats. (No, you don't get a picture.) Single is risk-free when it comes to matters of the heart.

And god knows I'm not a risk taker.


All pictures and words copyright Anna Horvitz (me) and cannot be used without my consent.


Dishes and trash never really changes. For me, at least. Can't remember all the beds I've had but I'll never forget all the dishes.

Oh you're alive.

I forget all the dishes all the time until it's time for a salad and the salad bowl is filled with oily lettuce water, six cups, all three of my forks and seven of my stupid spoons that seem to multiply why the fuck do I have so many spoons.

I never forget the trash. I have a guilt complex about garbage and recycling that really doesn't bode well with apartment living.

I miss ice skating, I've not been in years. And LOL I feel you about the litter. 😂 I recently started experimenting again because Yuan's old litter which he'd used for years went down in quality and was sticking to his paws! I finally settled on two options as good (A&H super scoop and Fresh Step, if you're wondering), but there were a LOT of rejects to get there, LOL.

Litter really does go down in quality! And when it doesn't it goes WAY up in price. I use A&H Clump and Seal, which is hardly ever on the shelves, and sometimes I have to buy the large box for twenty frikken dollars. For one cat! But she pees in exactly the same spot and her pee smells sooooooooo bad (I've thrown so many things away because of her "accidents"). I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to try mixing in the crystals with the litter. Again.

Skating is the BEST. I go many days a week.

Ooh it's spendy but if she is going outside the box, Cat Attract by Dr Elseys brand really works to attract them into the box!

Thanks! But unfortunately, her outgoing activities were more because of unpredictable kitty ptsd, not box boredom. She has such a special litter box. She's such a special girl. I think she actually had a head trauma when she was a stray. I recently did a really successful reiki healing session with her, though, and she's been doing so good! She my little ol' lady. 15! She's worth the work and all the thrown away towels, bath mats, clothes, blankets... lol.

Awww. 💜 My Yuan is 15 too. He's my best friend. 😺💚

Awww! Edie is my second best friend. (Pilot is my first only because we go everywhere together.) Lol, I feel like a kid in elementary school talking about my friends.
But Edie's on top of it when I'm sad. She's so sweet and compassionate and loving. Honestly, it took a really long time to see the real her past her extremely frustrating behaviors, but I'm glad I've gotten here.

Cats are some of the best people.

They really are! Yuan takes good care of me. 💚😸

What the heck is that weird looking shiny strange thing on a pole?

My fav rink is that last one. That looks like fun. Love that mountain shot.

Single means more freedom, if that's how you fly with it. Selebrate Single!

What the heck is that weird looking shiny strange thing on a pole?

I have no idea but isn't it awesome?? @jacobtothe might know, if you wanna stick around to find out.

So what you're saying is you shot a photo of a weird looking shiny strange thing on a pole that and have no feather flipping clue what you shot? I'm so glad that you're not a hunter.

I have no idea but isn't it awesome??

I can't answer that until I know what it is. I withhold my response until it's proven what this thing is. I don't know who @jacobtothe is, but I can see you want this person to see your weird looking shiny strange thing.

That appears to be . . . An art.

Maybe by this guy:

It most certainly is an art, you're right about that. It looks like it could be that artist, too! But I haven't been able to confirm. Apparently that riverfront park of yours has all kinds of arts.

@nineclaws, @jacobtothe tends books in a library somewhere within the proximity of where this art exists.

But I haven't been able to confirm.

So you're saying you thoughtlessly shoot things without a brain clue as to what they are just to put them in a post to incite questions of what is that so that you then don't have to explain anything about said stuff to tag others to tell us what this stuff is that tagged person can't provide confirmation of even with a library somewhere within whatever proximity to whatever art exists wherever.

tends books in a library somewhere within the proximity of where this art exists.

Pole object remains unidentified. No futher comment without identification confirmation.


All out of words roll out rolling eyes.

Yay! 🤗
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Hooray, thank you! :)

Thanks @ecency and @phoenixwren!

Yay I'm glad it went through. :)

A wonderful and interesting report about days well spent. And lastly, your cute little doggy. Just great.

Thanks! He IS the cutest, isn't he??

I can't skate, but those are some nice looking rinks :)

the person behind me can go fuck themselves until a passing lane opens up

lol. Tailgaters can eat shit and die. And also spin out and crash into the ditch on their way by.

Once upon a time coming back from Utah in December on snowy interstates there was one of those people, you know the kind that thinks they know how to drive and their car is the best and they are invincible? Well they zipped past me and a bunch of other people and I just knew.

Fortunately when I caught up to them and passed them freshly spun out and in a ditch next to that super icy patch under the overpass nobody looked dead.

I'm going skating on the beach in San Diego in two weeks! Ice is gonna be shit, probably, but still. Cool rink.