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RE: Super Interesting Fact About The Moon Landing!

in #photography6 years ago

Sorry, my english is terrible and I'm not always able to catch irony :D

I'm reading Stephen Hawking lately and yes, some branches of science are beyond our perceptions (far beyond my cognitive faculties at least), it could be all wrong as well, but it doesn't affect my life and I am free to question or simply not to believe in it. And that's what researchers do all the time. Can you see how different the approach from religion is?

Religious approach says: "The Earth is flat (and we should silence who say it's not)" while a scientist would say "Earth could be flat (let's see if I can prove it)". From which one do you think the false paradigm come from?

If I don't understand how possibly the earth could be a sphere and go around telling everyone that it's not, they always lied to us, it's clearly a triangle! I can't prove it, but they can't prove it's not as well because even if they do we can't believe our eyes (surely nobody would believe me, but if they do) I would be creating another false paradigm and spreading fake news.

Mass media, school programs and big greedy corporations uses the research for their purposes, but I wouldn't say it's scientist's fault.
These poor guys gave us electricity, cars, computers, planes and all kind of marvels and we just blame them all the time :D


“Religious approach says: "The Earth is flat (and we should silence who say it's not)" while a scientist would say "Earth could be flat (let's see if I can prove it)". From which one do you think the false paradigm come from?”

If you read my comments carefully, you will see I speak only in terms of possibilities & probabilities & claim to know nothing.

The reality I see is

Science approach told me it’s a spinning ball at birth, & we should silence whoever questions it by mocking them in social media, the news, tv, movies, via celebrities, politicians, teachers. People who are questioning the shape are actually saying there are a lot of good reasons to examine this scientifically & should be done publicly for all to see. Which one is closer to science?

Scientists are just humans, they are flawed like the rest of us humans. They deserve empathy & they should not be trusted about anything without actual proof, just like the rest of us