Vintage Photos - Oestreicher (1573-1576)

in #photography2 years ago (edited)

See the previous post in this series here.

I made some impulse buys after getting a new scanner and picked up a huge batch of slides a while back. These pictures span from as early as the late 1940s to as late as the early 1990s. These were from Goodwill and eBay (sometimes via estate sales). There are many thousands of these slides. I will be scanning some from time to time and posting them here for posterity.

This set continues a large batch of slides that originally came from an estate sale and appear to have belonged to a locally well known photographer from the Spokane Washington area named Leo Oestreicher, or perhaps a friend or family member of his. These slides contain some landscape and portrait photos but also a lot of typical snapshot photos. Here's an article on him from 1997 which is the only info I have found on him:

These photos were all taken around the Christmas 1960 time frame. The first shows Santa riding a missile. This one was processed in January 1961 so could have been taken in December 1960 or early January 1961. The next two were processed in December 1960 and show a girl in an office. In one of them you can see a calendar on the wall that also shows that it is December 1960. The final photo was also processed in December 1960 and shows an angel on top of a Christmas tree or wreath or some other kind of Christmas decoration.

processed January 1961

processed December 1960

processed December 1960

processed December 1960

The entire collection that has been scanned and uploaded so far can also be found here. This also includes higher resolution versions and versions with post processing.


Too neat! Looking at old pictures like this is like viewing ghosts from the past. You know that pretty girl with the great smile has a story to tell to someone about who she is, how she got there, and the like.

And... Santa on a missile. That's love coming at you.

"Peace on Earth" :)

In a way it's a little scary too. The girl in this photo, assuming she is alive today and was about 20 years old when this was taken, would be 82 years old today.

Very true, but that also makes it all the more mysterious. What was she doing in that photo? What stories does she have to tell after it? Kids? Grandkids? Greatgrandkids? Or just cats and dogs? Did she work her way up from whatever she was doing to CEO?

All from one picture of one pretty lady.

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