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RE: Vintage Photos - Oestreicher (1573-1576)

in #photography2 years ago

Too neat! Looking at old pictures like this is like viewing ghosts from the past. You know that pretty girl with the great smile has a story to tell to someone about who she is, how she got there, and the like.

And... Santa on a missile. That's love coming at you.


"Peace on Earth" :)

In a way it's a little scary too. The girl in this photo, assuming she is alive today and was about 20 years old when this was taken, would be 82 years old today.

Very true, but that also makes it all the more mysterious. What was she doing in that photo? What stories does she have to tell after it? Kids? Grandkids? Greatgrandkids? Or just cats and dogs? Did she work her way up from whatever she was doing to CEO?

All from one picture of one pretty lady.