Nights in Velvet - part 1

in #photography6 years ago


I've been serving some pretty chilling pictures on the late and I thought we could all use a little warming up over here.

I'm taking a page from @kommienezuspadt playbook and lighting up the scene with only candles.






Me by me with Nikon D7200 and Nikkor 35mm 1.8G.


Nice begin :D

me gusto tu foto

I don't know what other people noticed but I must see your confidnece is just class apart. Look at you when you are getting ready for pictures and seeing in the camera. That confidence man, It is killing.
How did you achieve it? By practice?

Fake it till you make it! ;)

Hope you didn't get dizzy trying to blow out all those candles after you finished your reading?

I’m good at blowing!

No, wait, that does not sound right...

Your post is equaliy good to watch from top to bottom and from bottom to top))

jajajajaja eso sonó extraño !!!! Excelentes fotos....

What else are you good at?

Everything I set my mind to 😈

I love low light photography especially when it involves candles x)

Wow, the ambiance is great! It sadly reminds me of the outage nights here in Caracas when we have to walk around with candles hahaha, but I have to admit that the dark house lit by candles has nice aesthetics rather than with the typical old yellow bulbs.

You're very pretty, I kind of envy your legs :PP And as you promised, we got a warmer set of pictures, so thanks for delivering. :* It's a big change compared to the Finnish collossal ice fieds.

I love the ambience you took these photographs in

It was a great ambience to hang out in too :) Thank you!

Very cool pictures. I guess that is you, great work.

Yes, it's me, thank you! :)

Great color and lighting 👍

old soul! I can see it in your eyes!

I might need a hip replacement soon!

lol not for another 30 years, lots of love, light and peace to you eve!

i always love it .. loved it please keep posting

Sweet dreams are made of this :)

Liking the pictures! Excellent and relaxing ambiance, it puts the mood at ease, also your presence is very pleasant to the eye 😃😃

Do you have a remote for your camera or did you use the timer? Either way they are great images.

I have a little remote. Thank you! :)

I think I may need to move to Finland after seeing how beautiful this girl is.

I like it, you capture a multitude of shadows from the candles that make for some interesting effects.

What a romantic scenery, what a lightful candles, what a stunning woman !

Really your pictures are sexilly warning us up. Nice pictures from a lovely damsel.

i am pretty sure you are a born model and i might help you to find the right path for modeling my mom is fashion designer for Zara so you may contact on my whatsapp if you are interested in modeling +32483661213

Sounds totally legit!

You are definitely a fire hazard... I'm talking about the candles of course 🔥🔥

I do like to play with fire ;)

I think red wine with such beautiful evening would suit well with your candles.

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Is it wrong for me to say “ sooooo freaking hot!” You or the candles?” AmaZing as always! Love your pics!

You beautiful woman...

...and "the legs" have it! :-)

You HAVE TO come back for the part 2 of these pictures, there is a couple leg-shots 😛


You look like my dream girl.

Thank you for sharing photos.I'm going to follow you,nice content.

Candles and plants and candles and plants....
You sure know how to set the mood ;)

Thank you Jeff :p I’m starting run out of space to put my plants, and I still keep getting more 😅

The 2nd to the last one is definitely my favourite.

Wao so great keep it up🌹

soo cute!! beautiful

great lighting Eve! I hope the fire extinguisher won't call the firemen! :-D

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Love the dark mood of the photos 🔥

this is relaxing to look at

Solitary Light

Dance by the dimming light, no words until dawn.

Pwetty pictures! Taas kerran. Nätti koipeliini kans :D

Kiitos, kohta on lisää koipee esillä! :)

Beautiful model in a beautiful ambience. Captured light ,shadow and angle perfectly. I love the blurred out leaves and the light rays poking in at the side.

I can't imagine running back and forth to the camera like this haha. Pretty sure you must have been using a shutter remote.

Y debe haber tenido un extintor de fuego cerca !!!! jajajajaja pero el resultado fue espectacular...

Oh, I didn't even saw your recent posts, I was very busy today. You seem so innocent in some of these, just like a little kitty :)

There is nothing innocent about kittens 😈

So you were saying that cat owners are crazy? Well, I accept that ;)

Helmut Newton, why am I not surprised ? :)
Great work, as always ! ^^

An endless source of inspiration! :) Thank you!

Great clicks, really senstuious
Regards @crafter

How should i say it?
An extremely sexy reader, in an extremely love scenery.

Getting some ideas for me and my girlfriend, when i get back to Portugal to her arms, in a few days.

All the picture are amazing, I really like the light up.

Very pretty photos!

Congratulations on becoming a full-time Steemian. : )

Especially on the last photo is: you something special. I don'n know a reason but remind me to a fairy from Narnia.

Keep on doing!!

The candles make the picture even more sexy wonderful ! 💯🐒

Yaaaas fire is sexeyyyyyy!

Sorry, I’m a bit bored sitting in a car.

Haha not to worry! Your right. Hope the rest of the trip was not to numbing 💯🐒

Thank you for sharing photos.

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