Something Something Sunset

in #photography6 years ago


Do you like my creative title? I'm running out of sky porn and winter wonderland photos but fortunately I'm going back to the country side tomorrow!

These were taken a little over a week ago with Nikon D7200 and Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G.




Sky more serene than my mind.

There are 2 pages

With it unusual view. But maintains its charm
Well done .. great pictures.

lol ... for the title
sky porn your face :p

fresh air and frost are felt, very beautiful !!!

Nice Sunset. I love this title too.

Im not gonna lie, i wanted to say "mother f'n sunset" but I know steemers wont laugh at that lol #humor

Snow reminds me that no one is pure.

At the core, is the bit of dust that grew glittering arms of symmetry.
Snowflake of Hope

(Credit: Snowflake Generator - Link)

You always link to the most amazing and weirdest stuff, I’m intigued.

I LOVE this title. Titles are sometimes just funny in themselves. I used to have fun just making up ludicrous titles for my artwork, just to give the aura of pretension ;) Amazing photo and I really thought the first was actually a painting, as the wash of neutral whites with that shot of orange looks like a wonderful landscape painting.

I love too :)

HAha I'm glad you find it funny :D It was actually just a working title, I was gonna come up with something else but though that what the hell, I'll leave it. Thank god I can take pictures of skies like this, there is no way I could paint something like this, I'll leave that to the true artists.

Muy perspicaz tu titulo, capta detalles a largas distancia.

Sky has many colors. Unlimited. we can't imagine. Your photographs are superb. Good shot. Keep it up. Thank you @eveuncovered.

WOW. this is just so relaxing. I felt that my heart feels lighter when I look at these pictures. Where did U take these pictures?

something something saying sunset

I love your photos of those beautiful places.

Ha Ha, well your "skyporn" is probably not as addictive as "pimpleporn" but I am sure it does much better on steemit.

Many congratulations are beautiful, I was fascinated that you have a nice day @LindaAguila

So serene and mesmerising, these pics are so peaceful that they can effect a mind in a really positive way .. Lovely

Very beautifull posts.

you know that recently i visited in sea beach in bangladesh and i enjoying every moments in there.... i love to see sunset... you shout some best of luck...

the best day of life is to walk on the beach with you love one seing the sun goes down and when the sun is orange as well as the sky you stand there watching that beauty then you kiss your love one at that time you have found heaven on earth

Nice photos..@eveuncovered ,thats the moon from last night??

There is like six(6) lines of text in the whole post, and you didn't even bother to read them?

SUNset. It was cloudy yesterday, couldn't see the moon.

most beautiful scene in the world and i do believe that all will like it.
thanks for sharing you nice pic and emotion

Serene or not; THIS IS REAL something Something,.. Love it tht sky porn...

Maybe it's not real, maybe it's Narnia!

really nice photos there, nice open snowy wasteland that looks so clean upon a nice sunset.

It's no wasteland!

"Some indigo sunsets in shades of grey!"
How's that? ☺️

Njäääh, leaves nothing for the imagination :P

Oh! Well : (
I'll try better next time.😊

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.

Wonderful Shot, just perfect as in warm and cold feeling represented as sunset and snow land!!

Oh such a lovely winter wonderland ❄ almost feeling the snow 😋

i like your photography.

Awesome combination of snow with the best view of sunset. Oh wow i just love the view so much that i dont take my eyes off it...

You have some skills of taking some great kind of pictures.... Thanks for sharing this beautiful images with us... Will follow you now....

lol sky porn, thats a funny way of calling it

This nature is very beautiful_

the sky is not so bright but its beauty looks perfect with the sunshine in steam with the snow-covered trees. oh god so beautiful your creation. then the favor of which god we deny. God let someday I can see and swim the snow

Here in Slovenia winters used to be white like by you there in Finland. But in the last years, here in Maribor where I live we barely see some snow. This is an effect of climate changes. I miss white cold winters. Have to go north. May be we even meet some day.!

Wow cool felling freshed to see these beautiful images thanks to share with us keep it up i am waiting your next beatiful post

Love the photos! Did you use a polarizer filter?

Thanks! I don't actually own any filters, but they are very high on my shopping list :D

Something Something Sunset...just like nursery rhymes...melodious

perhaps it is time to take a trip somewhere warm.

Great, amazing photos and a funny title as well :) Thanks for sharing!

It's funny how much the title is getting attention, but I don't mind :D

Thats some epic scenery you have there. That last one in particular is like a postcard. Great shots.

Thank you, I can't wait to get back to these scenes, though I do have to be a little more active and not shoot this same scene any more...

Different lens, different time of day, different weather... thats part of the fun with this stuff you can shoot it a hundred different ways and create a different scene every time.

Yes sure but I don't want to rape the reward pool with the same scene every other day, that is rude :D

the results of your photos are very good I like, and beautiful moments, I have never had a moment like you. the city is again winter and the sun sinks how beautiful its nature, I like your photos

something someting comment snow fuck yeahhhhhhhhhh haha

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@eveuncovered awwwwwwwwwww what a lovely sight of a sunset that I have never seen so far it's awesome. I have no words how to explain my feeling about these pictures really an eye-catching and romantic view of nature. Nature is always simple and attractive more than anything.
One thing I'm surely gonna tell you I wish that I will be there to see such a mind-blowing sight.
heads off to you great job keep it going with passion and interest

Regards: Aqib Ashiq

Wonderful Sunset in the middle of all the snow

wow very nice :)

The sky is the shadow of all of us. on top of which we have a clean feeling, best photography.I appreciate your photography. great shot @eveuncovered

what do you like more - sunsets or sunrises? both are beautiful, but I point out one of them dont know why ))

That is a tough fun, I think I like sunrise more, but I do also like to sleep in so the sunset goes better with my sleeping schedule :D

Do you go to sleep with the sun? Wow! How lucky you are!! I also love sunrise more - it's just like - you have a chance to start over, total reload! ))

Hermosa imagen -beautiful picture

You should do a video of those places and post it on dtube... i bet you can't hear any noise at all, the place looks so tranquil and calm

gorgeous sunset!! - looks amazing and so quiet!!

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