Steemitphotochallenge #44 : Food II entry1 Mung Bean Cake In The Summer 夏日传统糕点

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the steemit photo challenge #44 food II

In summer, we can enjoy the fresh fruit and all kinds of Chinese traditional dessert. In my previous post, I posted it . if you are interested in it, you can enter here. This time I didn't remove mung bean's skin, and I added some filling (red bean paste) inside. I feel the taste is also good and eating with skin is healthy. There's nothing like a piece of cool mung bean cake in hot weather.

这是我参加摄影比赛44期食物 的参赛作品1. 之前我发过制作绿豆糕的帖子,如果你感兴趣可以点击上面的链接。这次我没有去绿豆皮,我觉得这样口感也很好,而且带皮吃有益健康。



Photo taken with my Canon 80D

Thank you !



Nice! It seems really delicious :)

Thank you !

This looks more like a piece of art, then a yummy dessert....Great job @helene

@evanrvoss, Thank you for the commenting, it is a very cool dessert.

Fantastic post. Thanks so much for sharing this. I love how it's shaped especially at the top. It's very beautiful :)

Thanks @rockjon, I used a small tool to make it.

I am not sure but I think the rule say the steemitphotochallenge should be the first tag.

All entries must be a post tagged both #photography and #steemitphotochallenge



我愛綠豆糕!!!!! :D


恩~ 我比較少吃糕餅類, 因為都太大,吃多了覺得膩, 不過很多餅店都是很有名的, 有機會來的話可以帶你們去試試喔! :)


我喜歡!! 這樣比較健康無負擔~ :D

i love it thanks for sharing @helene

looks very interesting

nice stuff helen , checkout my minimal coffee , milk and desert photo in the last post :

Nice photos @henele =D following you for inspiration





What a great photo! I love the composition, with the geometric design of the tablecloth, the rounded plates against the squares, the colors, textures, and how the supportive elements are sitting on the edge of the frame. Nice shot, @helene!

thanks @saramiller, thank you for your warmhearted words, I really appreciate it. :)

My pleasure!