
In all truth, a "Technology Free Day" is not such a bad thing @humanearl. Sometimes it feels like we become all too dependent on the technology, and we forget about connecting with the simple, natural things around us.

Hope you are feeling better today!

Bright Blessings!

Nope not bad at all. I actually needed that time to reflect.

Sorry that the day isn't going the way you planned. When the internet goes out for me, I try to find things to do that I had been meaning to, but had been distracted because I had the web available. Then I catch up on those things.

I hope the day gets better for you. I'm proud of you!

It's all good now. I was more down about not feeling good.

I love your commitment! Were there is a will, there is always a way!

There's always a way. Sometimes we have to just use what we have.

#firstworldproblems made me laugh.
We are completely dependent on the Internet.

It's so true. That's how first world problems will have you think. It's like someone complaining about people walking on their private beach.

we indulge so much in internet that it's hard to keep away from internet. It's alright we don't use internet all the time, even some time we don't use internet the whole day but it give satisfaction if internet is running condition otherwise we face malaise. keep sharing @humanearl All the best for your internet connection

I agree 100%. I try to be aware of this.

Oh that's one beautiful flower... You captured nature in its moment! You should say more "hellos" to photography, lol....

Hope you're sound now? And your friend?? Well, with the radiance of this flower, I think you had the best bad day! Lol.. Stay happy!

Alot of people tell me I take good photos. I actually enjoy doing it. I'm still dealing with some sickness. Which is why I'm late on replying to people but I'm better than I was.

Yeah, your photography pattern is dope! Sorry bout your health. You can take your time with the replies. Just get well soon!

Is your internet down? Are you grounded? Maybe you just want to detox from your computer and learn to live life in the real world. Don’t be afraid; people lived for thousands of years without the internet. Go back to the basics to have a good time.

  1. Listen to music.
    Novelty is an excellent cure for boredom, so try to listen to new things. Borrow someone else’s music. Turn on the radio. Use online streaming services to listen to random music that you have never heard before. Make a playlist of your favourite songs.

  2. Read a book.
    Find a book, a newspaper, or a magazine. Take the time to learn something more about the world or familiarize yourself with some famous literary characters. It might take you some time to get interested in the story, but often by the middle of the book you won’t be able to put it down.
    Consider bringing a book with you wherever you go.
    Keep a list of books you want to read.
    If you can get to the library, there should be enough choices for you to find something decent. If you don't know what to read, ask the librarian for suggestions!
    Form a book club with your friends.

  1. Cook.
    If you have some time on your hands, it might be an opportunity to cook a large batch of food that will keep you fed for a while. Consider something that will keep and can be snacked on without reheating, like hummus, pesto, and cookies.
    If you are using your parents’ kitchen, be sure to ask permission before using.
    Don’t cook without supervision unless you know how to properly handle food and understand how to cook safely.
    Alternatively, you could try making nut butter or pickling vegetables.

  2. Exercise.
    Exercise is good for both your physical and mental health.[4] Try weight lifting. If you don’t have weights or a gym membership, just go on a job around the neighborhood, do sit ups, and push-ups.

@humanearl sir actually I'm always respect to your uncommon ideas...and I'm really like your post headlines...

Music. Check. Books. Check. Exercise. Check. My plan is to eventually get to the point where I won't have to rely so much on these computers to make a living.

Yes sometimes the internet can be a problem. Although its absence may be a problem, it can also be a solution. Paradox. Sometimes you need to take time for yourself and take a break from your affairs.
By the way, a good photo. Spring is already close (at least here we still have snow).

True that bro. I really did need that time as a break

Turn off your email; turn off your phone; disconnect from the Internet; figure out a way to set limits so you can concentrate when you need to, and disengage when you need to. Technology is a good servant but a bad master.

I soooo agree. Tech can't give us what nature can

Yes your Wright

Yes. These days it is really hard to live a week without internet. Even if we do use it for good, we should learn to live without internet at least sometimes.

By the way, the flower picture is so nice. Perfectly you focused the object. Which camera have you used to took this?

Thanks. I just used my samsung S7 edge. It has a nice camera. Eventually I want to get a better one. I love taking photos.

I see, mobile almost takes the place of cameras these days, but a DSLR is much better if we are serious about photography or I is a serious hobby. So go for a DSLR for much better pictures.

Wow this is new. You say there ia no internet yet you were able to upload on come? You need the internet to do this.

By the way...What camera dis you use to take this picture coz I am so loving it.

I had to use my phone. I had to use the data from it. I just used my samsung s7 edge. It has a nice crispy camera. I want to invest in a better camera.

With this beautiful scenery you captured, a bad internet network could barely be a worry.
I like how you channelled your energy.
Internet will suck once in a while, but how do we react when it does?
You are my inspiration @humanearl
Hope you're feeling a lot better now?

Yes I'm much better now. Sorry for the late reply I have been busy and sick at the same time.

To be contented in life is making the best out of the little you have...enjoying everybit of it with an open heart.......nature is beautiful @humanearl ...and note that one that is closer to nature has a longer lifespan.......

Thanks alot for this. I need to be reminded.

Wow, @humanearl in photography!
I love the peach-pink touches on the flower.
Lately, am beginning to fill up my blog with photographs shot by me, inspired by one thing or the other.
I love story-telling photographs!

Today I make do with what I have and turn a negative into a positive. Stay inspired my friends.

I love those words @humanearl, I just got inspired!
I just hope your friend gets back on track soonest.

I take photos here and ther and I used to take tons of them. It's just that now I mostly do videos. But I actually enjoy photography.

We've all been there. You're working from home, when all of a sudden the WiFi cuts out. You're about to step into the subway or take off in a plane, when you realize you forgot your book and don't have anything to do on your trip. You're at the office, totally on a roll working on a project and out of nowhere ... EVERYTHING STOPS LOADING.

But believe it or not, there are ways to stay productive without internet access. Whether you're at home, at the office, or traveling, here are a few ideas for what you can do without an internet connection.

What to do without internet:

  1. Read articles offline.
  2. Listen to podcasts offline.
  3. Do a "brain dump" writing exercise.
  4. Come up with a few weeks' worth of blog topics.
  5. Interact with other humans.
  6. Hold an impromptu staff meeting.
  7. Take some time to relax.
  8. Make some phone calls.
  9. Make a playlist.
  10. Play around with Photoshop.
  11. Write a few thank-you notes.
  12. Read a book.

@humanearl wel done always give to us interesting topics for blogging...
Good Luck...

This is a ton of activities i do already when my internet network stops....which is everyday.

Brain dumps are fun. I love just doing nothing sometimes.

We do also have a slow internet connection in our country☺️

Yea I know in many places it is slower than in the U.S. But I was glad to take time away from it for a while.

That's good to hear☺️

I love budding of plants. These beautiful pink flowers are a ray of hope and reflection of youthful energy. I appreciate your aesthetic sense. Cool picture!

Nice way to put it. Spot on. Aesthetics mean alot to me when it comes to art.

These spring flowers are amazing and touché she to the heart. Cause I am also one who loves spring season the most. Spring is always lovable by every person and you made this post with love, the love shows towards flowers. Awesome

My favorite seasons are fall and spring.

Beautiful flower. Did you take the shot?

Yepp. On my phone.

@humanearl, internet very slow since last 02 days. Sometimes network suffered me well. I can't decide quit from internet coz steemit is a my life.
Such fabulous flowers steepshot you uploaded here friend. It's expand my spirit via deeply smell. Best inspiration and meditation thing.
Hope to see you next day with your DTube.
Stay Blessed.

I used to post more on steep shot but now I mainly just do the videos. Thanks for sharing.

That is the right attitude my friend. Always turn negative into positive.

Sometimes, we encounter problems or issues that we can't do anything to solve it. Like the internet when it bugs down and you can't do anything but to wait for the internet provider to fix that problem. It is out of our hands and we can't do anything and this frustrates us. But by a proper mindset of turning negative into positive, we can always move on and do other things productive. I love this kind of attitude.

I had no clue what happened so I just decided to make something positive out of it. I used to sulk and wallow in self pity but with time and practice I am dramatically better at channeling bad into good.

Holy shit, I couldn’t pay my phone bill and I had no 4g for a little over a week. There’s no wifi where I live so we have to rely on our phones. Maybe your daytime job has wifi? I was going to work 2 hours earlier to write steemit posts. You could also go to your local library and use the computers/laptops there as well. Either way, I know the pain man but I had a good time reading my kindle books and playing videogames.

Good way to make use of the internet not working. Books are a great time filler as well.

In this modern era, the internet is a necessity in life, without the internet feels empty, because every requires an internrt network every day,
By the way this is a very pretty flower and with a perfect shot ..

The internet is really useful on one hand but the extreme to that is too much dependency.

Same here buddy !getting some problems with my connection as well !

Being a little slow by the way !

Nicely taken image buddy !

Hope your problem gets resolved soon !

Everything is good to go now. Thanks buddy!

Glad to hear that buddy !

It's good to have a day away from the internet I think but better not when you're sick!

Pretty photograph @humanearl.

Hope you're feeling better today. 😊

I would say the same. I'm still a little sick but much better now. Thanks for your concern.

Survive without internet? Sure thing, after all for survival we need food, drinks and sleep, nothibg more. Enjoy life without internet? That’s a different matter entirely.

Hahahaha i stand with you on this one.
Because i'm used to bad network here doesn't mean i enjoy staying with bad network

Haha. The basics. The internet is involved in nearly every aspect of our lives. So it's hard to part ways with it at times.

My internet connection went slow and it's very hard time to pass now! Did you make this photography! This is pretty amazing!


Yes I took that pic on my phone as I was walking with my little girl.

Smart moves bro @humanearl Better than not steeming the usual way. BTW, that's a beautiful flower

I honestly thought about not posting that day but I knew it would be a good change of pace with the picture.

so beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are brilliant Photographer

Thanks for the compliment!

Great thing you did and that's a nice shot looking so beautiful nature is truly a blessing :)

It is a BIG blessing. Nature was made for us to enjoy.


haha. Easier said than done.

Hahahaha. Yeah man. It makes me crazy sometimes.

U always got something good for us.. Nice photography bro

Thanks brother.

Hehe yah yah yah no internet no problem no cellphone 😅 only family and friends 😮😍

It's good to unplug every now and then.

Positive approach towards anything will always give you a peaceful environment.

It does help. I will say that.

you can always get positive out of negative and negative out of positive. I love your attitude dude!

Thanks. It was a rough and exhausting day.

My internet is also very slow but we should try our best with available resources and be satisfied. Photography is also very nice.
Stay blessed

Yea I finally let it go once the day ended.

the flower is very fine............lovely

The more beautiful flower

beautiful flower ............. Excellent photography

Nice flower,,,,,,,,,,,
images (17).jpg

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment