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RE: Cute Kitten Pictures Alert.. NOT.. This Will Make Your Day

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

@steemcleaners Thanks for the heads up, not sure where you saw the introduce your self tag as it was not used or is this a copy and paste comment. I used the story tag as this is my story of what I have seen. I have removed all the tags including the steemit tag and just put life tag, photography tag cannot be changed although it is a photo Just as the cat one I saw.
This is about steemit though and my experience with it so far so not sure what the issue is with this is but I am not out to cause any issues and I am all for what you stand for although where were you when I saw the cat pic with lots of tags :-)
What is the deal if I see something like that or with just a video are those types of posts to be ignored just share one pic or one video or should I use @steemcleaners for you to check out?
Thanks again.