It is not dead, we are both pretending still to get her a good portrait | Photography#2

in #photography6 years ago

"Wildlife is decreasing in jungles but it is increasing in towns"
I was cleaning my garage when I found this little baby-lizard crawling towards the wall. I suddenly went inside to pick my camera. When I came outside it was gone. With a bit of search I was able to find it at a place where I could conveniently take its shot.
These were the camera settings for these pictures:
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/200
F 7.1
Focal length: 55m

Capturing wild life is one the main reasons I like photography. It is as if clicking is the best medium to express what I feel and the way I look at things.

"When you are an introvert and you find it hard to communicate from number of words, you do it through different mediums. Photography is one of them. The more depth is there in your image the more you are able to communicate."
Have a good day you all. I am new on steemit, do upvote my post if you like it.
@surpassinggoogle @timcliff @whatsup @hilarski @done Dear senior whales, I would like to have your feedback on my work as I am a budding steemian. Regards.


These are beautiful photo's but the lizard is giving creepy feeling. I personally would never want these photos anywhere near my Album.