Blooming Grass

in #photography6 years ago

It is tiny, and it looks like some kind of a flower, actually it is a blooming grass, but only when I get close to it then I saw the full beauty of it.
I hope you like it too.
Have a wonderful day, my friends!






Nikon D3400



The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of G-ds creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am part of the Curators Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself!

I'm glad for you! Thank you

It is really beautiful. I have never seen this actually but also love to look up to unusual plants and flowers :)
Is it some particular kind of grass?
I like the photos, you have upvote. :)

It's some random grass, but in macro lens looks so lovely! Glad you like it! Thank you :)

I think this is a flower, it turns out that grass is blooming. Extraordinary. Good luck always for you @pepe.maya.

Thank you, my friend! It looks like a flower, but it's only beautiful unusually grass :)

You are welcome my friend 😊👍.

waaw .. this beautiful flower looks like this flower is not in my place. I never saw it.

Very interesting photo @pepe.maya. Never really knew thats how the grass looks in close up. Very witty capture, keep it up:)

Thank you very much! Macro world is much more interesting...

Stunning... like from another planet. I wouldn't touch that ;)

It's so soft petals :)
Thank you very much

I love this!!

Thank you!

You’re welcome! ❤️👏🏻

Nice Photography take a upvote:)

Thank you :)

Small and I like it :))

Yes glance like the flower you photo, but just a kind of very beautiful grass with macro picture you use, you are very observant in taking pictures @pepe.maya😊

Thank you, Lizana for your beautiful compliment! :)

Looks really beautiful, and so unusual for our eye, many be because we really do not see it as such :)

Maybe we don't look carefully ...
Thank you, Stef

Of course, I like it dear, it's a strange but beautiful kind of grass. Greetings and happy day my friend:)

I'm so glad you like it too, my dear! Thank you so much. Wish you a beautiful day :))

Spectacular moment ;) Kisses

Wow I love those hair like thingies!!