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RE: Around the Hood with ATS-David

in #photography7 years ago

Very nice pictures, ats-david... What camera did you use ?

Today, I take more pictures and videos and panoramas with my iPhone than I ever did with my Olympus OM-2. Since I always carry it around with me, and I hardly ever carried my Olympus OM-2 with me, I have more opportunities to take photos.

Ahh! The "Old Days"... I actually had a Beseler 23-C (I think it was) amplifier and a whole well equipped dark room. Who needs a darkroom today?


I use a Canon 6D. This series was unedited jpeg photos.

I have an entire collection of photos on here from my iPhone 6 that I used for "photo blogs" since last fall. It takes great photos. I just switched to the 6D in June for a lot of my posts. I took a few trips and wanted to get some good ones for print, so I figured I'd get a full-frame and see what happened. I think it's working out well so far.

iPhone 6 vs. Canon 6 D is that you probably are close to your iphone 6 all day long. But you are not so close most of the day to your Canon 6D . You carry your iPhone the whole day. And if it rains, or it pours, and you have a fairly decent camera with you. It can do things that I never could have done with the Olympus OM-2.

Good luck with your camera. Take good pictures.

I signed to follow you. and I upvoted your post. Stay well.