Reminiscing over vehicles, from times gone by....

in #photography2 years ago

I ran into an old picture of my Daughter's 1960 Chevy, my 1973 GMC RV, and my 1983 Porsche 944.

Here's a Blast from the past in my driveway:
Sadly my 944 was hit from behind, and wreaked. I replaced it with another 944 (a 1984), which I still have.

Her Chevy was sold for school money, and she's now a Pharmacist; so it was used well! She did a lot of work on it, and it was better for her owning it. We rebuilt the motor, and made a new exhaust line for it. She did most of the welding on that exhaust, and it was perfect. All the repairs were done to original equipment specifications, she allowed no 'upgrades' to newer technology.

I still have the RV, and it is still fully functional.

The tree in this picture is an ash tree, and this was shortly after I planted it. It had a 3 inch trunk!

Here is that tree today:
Showing it's fall colors, it turns a beautiful yellow! It is about 18 inch diameter now

Here is a few days later:
It drops it's leaves in a couple of days, a real gentleman tree for leaf cleanup. This shows the current size, it's not 3 inch diameter anymore, LOL!


That's great you still have the RV.

Yes, and I bought a travel trailer too... I must be crazy, ROFLOL!

The RV drives, but needs work on the engine to be a road warrior again. I need to do a ring job on it, and I want to add a throttle body fuel injector for efficiency.
