
Thank you so much @tangmo, swans are so photogenic, and at least my swans don't mind getting photographed :)

You're welcome! And you had good eyes in choosing these swans for your photos.... ;)


^^ Um! I forget to tell you, I like your profile photo, I eat this fruit every day! ^^

Thank you @tangmo 😊
This Kiwi fruit was the first real macro photo I have made quite a few years ago :)
You do it right, if you eat a kiwi fruit every day, because it is very healthy and also tastes good.

You're welcome!

I forgot to tell you another thing. Your profile photo is beautiful. Great capture!

Yeah! The Kiwi is very healthy and tastes good, as you said, indeed. ;)

Thank you very much again @tangmo 😊

I don't know, if the Kiwi is healthy or if the Kiwi tastes good, because the Kiwi is a bird in New Zealand, but the Kiwi fruit is very healthy and tastes good 😉
That's just something I have learned here on Steemit - always say fruit, when you mean the fruit, at least, when you are in New Zealand, because when you say Kiwi alone, you mean the bird ;)