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RE: Musings XIV

in #photography7 years ago

I agree with you, not all porn is good but there are other options of ethical porn. Any film directed by Erica Lust and any film by Four Chambers is created in a beautiful artistic way of self expression and acceptance. I also agree that 'when two people are really into each other, they should explore their sexuality to the limit' - but sometimes that's not in the cards. I have been in long term relationships where it was impossible to meet eye to eye with each others needs. It's unfortunate and I wish there was more trust there but that's how you end up with a life partner in the future. I also want to thank you for leaving a comment because I do respect your opinion.


I know what you mean about relationships where you can't really express your sexuality, because your lover brings her/his ego to bed. I know there's all sorts of porn, I'm not saying I never watched it lol. I stopped about 2 years ago, and don't miss it at all. Playing my own fantasies in my mind seems much healthier, but not everybody has such a colourfull imagination as mine :)
Thanks for your reply, I do admire your open mind, your bravery and your beauty ❤