in #piotr2 years ago (edited)

Hello dear friends, happy Tuesday to you, I hope you have an excellent week. Today I want to talk about the balance that we must have in our lives, I believe that limits are dangerous and in order not to cross the line we should have BALANCE.

First of all, we must plan what we want to do, make a routine, write everything you want to do daily, weekly and monthly. You can use a hierarchy of colors to make it much easier on the eye. A life without planning I think is off course.



ESTABLISH A SCHEDULE, you can create blocks and organize what you will do in each hour of your day, the truth is something very easy if we are organized people. You can leave free spaces to also have rest, you should not saturate your mind with tasks, we all need a break even if it is two hours a day.

PRIORITIZE TASKS, we should always start with the most important, that's what it's all about, let's not waste time doing something that has no relevance in our life or in our day. We must also learn to eliminate what is not necessary, there will always be something we have to do before anything else.

ELIMINATE DISTRACTORS, there are always things around us that steal our attention, so we must work in a clean and organized space, have at hand only what is necessary for that moment. On the other hand, forget about our cell phone and our social networks, unless we work with them.



GIVE PRIORITY TO FREE TIME, distracting ourselves is also important, in life we know that not everything can be work, spend time with our loved ones, share with our friends, do fun things, all that has the same relevance as our work. EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT!

REST IS NECESSARY, sleep well and be alone is necessary to self-evaluate and leave the mind in complete silence. Taking time for ourselves and taking care of ourselves, giving ourselves self-love is necessary for our mental and physical health.

I hope all these tips will help you to give a better balance to your life and your daily activities!!!!!

Thanks for reading my post!!!!




Con el apoyo de la familia.

Trail de TopFiveFamily


Buenas recomendaciones las qué nos has aportado. Muchas veces nos distraemos con tonterías, pensamientos inútiles qué no nos dejan avanzar.
Apoyado el toptres del día de hoy en @topfivefamily.
Un abrazote @franyeligonzalez

Hola amiga, gracias por tus lindas palabras, que bien que te gusto!! Saludos!