
Can I pay the fee with 1 PLU? That has a fixed value of 8USD. Thats much better then paying in fiat. Well - I need to collect some this 90 days for free. I will buy new glasses so no worry spendig to less...

Yes, of you're holding at least 100 PLU (on their wallet or in your own, like MetaMask), them you can pay 1 PLU for your premium monthly subscription.

Well - With high gas fee it still cost a lot to buy PLU at uniswap. But I still have 75 days left at my free time. 75 days i cryptoworld is like 5 years in fiatworld.

You don't need to buy it. You earn it as your cashback on every purchase.

Thats true. Will see how much I can get in janaury and calculate from that. Just have to tell my wife using my card when spending money (sounds like an easy bet)