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RE: Wahala. Troubles can become chances. Word of the Week contest S5W2

in #pob-wotw2 years ago

it can be said that the American way of life had indeed found its way into German everyday life

The life style of victors always finds its way on the occupied one, by hook or by crook, Sometime subtly, at other times by force. When we live with people who are superior to us in any way (being in ruling position is a superiority in its way), we are influenced by them.

Was it not Germans who spied on other Germans? Wasn't it German Volkspolizisten who shot at German refugees at the border?

Hasn't it been happening throughout the course of history. Whenever there is an external power on any country, the forces and powerful elites ally with the occupiers just to maintain and strenthen their positions. They don't care for the masses, do they?

Shall I blame myself for having been brainwashed unter this or that regime? Shall I call myself bad names and regret my former stupid young me?

There is no use of regreting. At that age we have dreams of future. We see the brightness around us that is spread by the propagandas. The brightness dazzles our vision. We cannot see anything else.

So far as Ukraine thing is concerned. I am not happy for the war anywhere in the world, but I feel really very sorry on the insensitivity of the world when I find no voice for Palestine and kashmir from anywhere. They have been in the war and facing barbarism for decades. No media speaks about them. For Ukraine, at least there is voice around the globe.


Dear Amber,
thank you so much for commenting and your feedback. There is nothing I would debate with you here. You use your life experience to see through what is served to us, the people, and make up your own mind about it.

Only one thing I would be a bit careful about is the fact WHEN the media talk excessively about a country, one should be doubly and triply careful.

"Palestine" is something I grew up hearing on the German news almost every day. The conflicts there and in the "Gaza Strip" were part of the news like morning coffee. People use such news to see their prejudices confirmed or to get upset about the dictatorships of other countries, while remaining blind to what is happening in their own country. I think, we need stories and anecdotes which counteract what evil happens and personal stories and descriptions of friendship and hope as to not fall for the doomsday talks.

I read this book right now and copy a passage:

All wars are a scam/farce/fiction. USA/CA and other corporations were making loans to others all over the world during the Depression. USA financed the building of Germany’s infrastructure in the 1930s. All those who died defending their non-existent ‘countries’ died in vain. Switzerland is ‘neutral’ as this is where the Bank of International Settlements is located. Wars are simply a red herring to keep us believing that government is necessary.

I don't know, if it's true or not but I think that there is something to it which sounds coherent.

In order to counter the war drive, it is probably wiser not to fall with the door in the house and to find other forms of the message of friendship and love. I have used an erotic story for this, there was the winged expression "Make love, not war" for a long time. It's maybe a bit shocking or not to everyones taste, but when I wrote it, I felt all the lightness and appreciation towards us human beings.

Receive my sincere greetings!

Only one thing I would be a bit careful about is the fact WHEN the media talk excessively about a country, one should be doubly and triply careful

I will remember this always...

I think, we need stories and anecdotes which counteract what evil happens and personal stories and descriptions of friendship and hope as to not fall for the doomsday talks.

Don't mind me, please. I couldn't make the sense of it.... language barrier, you know. Hehe. That's why it take me longer to respond to your comment.

Overall, I would say I am now speechless. Something that I have understood is that I am superficial about these political happening. I need to have deeper understanding of these matters.... you are the one who has witnessed the war and its aftermaths, your Knowledge is accompanied with firsthand emotions and feelings.

God bless you @erh.germany


No worries, I sometimes reply on comments long ago :)

Don't mind me, please. I couldn't make the sense of it.... language barrier, you know.

Let me try it saying it differently.
What the media tells, tells nothing from the lives of individuals, ordinary people. By anecdotes and stories I mean personal events, memories and experiences of me and you. We are not headlines, politicians, celebrities or famous people. We have family experiences and they have meaning. By telling them, we help make other perspectives possible. We can build bridges instead of misunderstanding each other or having the debates of those who like to see us busy with their stuff. There is too much of this and too little of that.

Personal anecdotes, I would like to clear this up, do not have the claim to truth, just as political communication does not. People nowadays know the names of famous politicians and actors, but they don't know who their own grandparents were, or their parents, what kind of life they led, and so on. Being interested in the world stage seems to take up more space. Strangely, we identify more with screen personalities than with where we come from. We ordinary people are supposed to accept the rules made by those who do not abide by them. By arguing on the horizontal level, we sow discord among ourselves and claim that it is necessary to be governed for us to be united as a people. But the ruler thrives on disunity and it does not bother him.

I myself have not experienced war firsthand, but my parents and their relatives did. In trying to understand their stories, I come to understand myself better.

It is remarkable that you say you have superficial knowledge in these matters and I would agree with you, my knowledge is also limited.

Greetings to you :)

We ordinary people are supposed to accept the rules made by those who do not abide by them

Hmmmmm. They make rules to control us and they give loopholes in between the rules to always do what they want. Might is right, right???

Well, yes media is serving more to spread hatred than to evoke kindness. It only creates hype.

Sometime ago @kenechukwu97 stated in his post that he thought Pakistan was a place of terrorism because it is what media told him, but when he came accross Pakistanis he had to change his views.

Thanks for the explanation @erh.germany ma'am.


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