Can Money Buy Happiness ? To An Extent Yes

in #pob2 years ago

Most people say money can't buy happiness, But i disagree to agree, I will love to ask a general question, Are you all always happy when you don't have money ? I will love for us to answer this at the comments center, there's no one on earth who will say, I am happy that i have no money, no i have not seeing that, I will speak for myself in this section. When ever i don't have money, I am always not happy, either i angry and frustrated at that minute or am coming up with a strategic means of getting that money.
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Money allows you to buy whatever you want in life, Money allows you to eat good food of your desire, Now tell me how can't money buy happiness, have you ever been a place Maybe an occasion and you see people buying good stuffs and you can't buy because you have no money and inside you a whispering starts like this ‘how i wished i had money’. When there's money you have more friends around you, when you go broke they all flee.
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So, I say to we all reading this make money because when there's no money there's no happiness because money answers to all our needs and problem, Now there's no way on earth one can be happy without no money, I mean never money is very very important to we all humans.
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I say this as I round up money is necessary and YES money can buy happiness, I got so many reasons in my next write up, I will review to us, money is important and to some high extent it can buy happiness.


I would say yes if money defines your happiness :)