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RE: Path of Exile | 24 Hour Betrayal SSF Hardcore Race

in #poecomp6 years ago

This one is a wild one. They have changed a few things that is for sure. Along with including a couple past leagues mechanics in. So happy I did not have to grind standing for the forsaken masters in this one. Just got go out and find the recipes locations now to unlock higher life, resistance and all that tiers!

There are a couple people playing PoE on Steemit. I'm sure we will have this hardcore race again next league. This 24 hour format was fun for those who could make it.

I hope you find some time to enjoy this league. I can't wait to see what kind of loot I get once I work out the syndicate a bit better. Some decent loot sometimes when I run into a fortification or caravan of them. I just had one escape since I lacked the damage to take them out.


Yeah, the 24 hour format seems to be popular. I'm open to adopting it as standard.
Seems to attract more casual players too. Ultimately I'd like this to become something of a recruiting tool, to bring POE regulars across to the chain.

Gaming is an excellent way to try and onboard people in my opinion. Think our former League of Legends division head in one of the discords I'm in invited in over a dozen people into the discord. People start talking about their game and then they see people writing articles and other gaming content. A few then wanted to give it a try as well. Most went inactive but they had no idea they could make at least a couple bucks writing content without having to shell out costs of running their own website.

Steem monsters is going to be incredible for onboarding.


People keep talking about PoE in the community I'm in. So I've opened up a discord channel for it since a couple more are going try out the game You are more then welcome to join if you like. The discord link is at bottom of my blog.