"Amidst Darkness"

in #poemlast month


A silent roar in my chest has struck my thoughts of tomorrow
Will I ever live a full life just like the ones I know?
Time flies by so quickly when you notice how it passes
I don't even recognize the things around me anymore

Looking into the world that is unknown to me
I'm craving for a reality that I know I can relate to
Blocking my vision with lies that I want myself to believe
We yearn for the blessing of the truth as we grow in this journey called life

Relieving everything off my shoulders so I could regain every bit of myself
Lend me your ear so I can tell my stories about my journey
The path that I chose is not always what I expected it to be
There will always be hurdles for me to surpass

I wish that my passion will be awakened by my strong desire to win
The time that broke my spirit was the time when I was defeated
This journey is not just about winning but it's also about learning
Every defeat is an opportunity to see myself grow amidst difficulties.



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Thank you so much, my friend. I appreciate the support that you've been giving me. Have a great day 🙏

You're welcome, I'm very happy to be able to help.