“New Path”

in #poem29 days ago


I will never be the same anymore… it will never be the same again
No matter how recall the past and try to live it again
Everything has moved on to the new times and it will never be the same
We live for tomorrow’s offering and the blessings it bring

Let go of all of the pains from the past and embrace a new life ahead
Bring your courage and allow yourself to be the best you can be
Let yourself soar until you reach the life that you dream of
Allow the light to shine on your path so you can see things clearly

I’ve been questioning my journey my entire life
I’ve been questioning the wrong thing all along
My existence is never been this relevant to other people until now
I should give meaning to my actions and make it worthwhile

Everything is temporary…
A belief that’s stuck in my mind until I realize it isn’t
Everything that I do will leave a mark into the existence of others
My willingness to make everything work is my only goal in this new path.



Undoubtedly a poem that comforts, helps and inspires to move forward and that no matter the obstacles in the way, how much pain and sadness you carry in your soul, just keep moving forward and let life flow, greetings a big hug from @theshot2414.....✌️✌️✌️✌️

Thank you for the kind words and beautiful insight.

Let life flow

I like how you construct this phrase, it simple yet it’s meaningful.

Your poem touched my soul my friend, a couple of years ago I lost a daughter with only 13 years old, but she herself at that age, told me DADDY LIVE LIFE TO THE MAXIMUM AS IF IT WAS THE LAST DAY OF YOUR EXISTENCE AND LET LIFE FLOW....,

She knew at that young age, that she had a severe illness and that is how she faced it, that is why today I am standing, with sadness in my soul but facing life..... Greetings my friend...

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