The Source

in #poem5 months ago

Boundless wonder and delight,
We stand as extensions of source energy's might.
Within these magnificent physical forms we reside,
A tapestry of diversity, where dreams do collide.

Oh, how fortunate are we to exist in this place,
With time and space embracing our grace.
For in this balance, we find the power to create,
To attract abundance, and manifest our fate.

And on this blessed Friday, let us rejoice,
For never before has there been such a choice.
To explore the depths of our boundless potential,
To awaken the magic within, transcendental.

Each breath we take, a symphony divine,
Connecting us to the infinite, the sublime.
With every step, we dance upon this Earth,
Unleashing our spirit, celebrating our worth.

Embrace the beauty of this vibrant tapestry,
With open hearts, let us live with audacity.
For within us lies the power to transform,
To cultivate love, and weather any storm.

In this moment, let us unite as one,
Embracing the brilliance under the sun.
Together, we shall rise, hand in hand,
Creating a world that is truly grand.

So, dear souls, let your light shine bright,
Ignite the flames of passion, burn with insight.
For in this magnificent physicality we reside,
We are extensions of source energy, unified.

A poem I created thru ai and the phot was taking by me in a sunflower field in the middle of nowhere!