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RE: Still, I Shudder (Original Poetry)

in #poetry2 years ago

Yup, this is the way all of us northerners are feeling right now. With the exception of a few crazies who look forward to the coming cold and grey, so long as they have enough snow for sledding. I like white Christmases and a handful of skiing trips, beyond that I would happily be a snowbird :)


Everyone, I mean everyone, had their grills fired up today. Labor Day weekend is such a psychological bookend to summer in this part of the world. Really the only people here who look forward to winter are those people who are into winter sports. We have some people who are in the middle who just deal with it and try to stay positive. Then there are those people like me who are already looking forward to next spring. Lol. We tried the snowbird life this year and I highly recommend it. We hope we can pull it off again in 2023 but we're not totally sure.

Oh, same here, the smell of bbq was strong on the air :)

There's a line from a Pearl Jam song that always runs through my head when I get sick of winter (which is about two days after the new year haha) 🎶No matter how cold the winter, there's a springtime ahead🎶

For now I'm just hoping for an extended fall!

Hope of a new spring will carry you far! We always hope for an extended fall too but it never happens. Lol.