Stardust (An Original Poem)

in #poetry4 months ago (edited)

This symbiotic
loop, it's
so often lost
in translation,

The time has passed
for empty worship,
our only choice
is to rebuild
what’s broken
inside of us,
deep work will
create the
deepest of worth,

So keep going,
explore, let yourself
stumble into truth,
again and again,
feel the sharpness
of its pain
and the pleasure
of its joy,
let them wash over,
and change you,
that’s all that
ever mattered,

This how we
keep those demons
from shouting down
our better angels,

It's now a race
against time,
we're threadbare, with
a thousand yard stare,
scuffed shoes,
swimming in this soup
of visceral clues,

Each of us
are the same,
we are only stardust,
tattered little pieces of
a Universe
trying so desperately
to put itself
back together.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well and make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

(Gif sourced from

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Each of us
are the same,
we are only stardust,
tattered little pieces of
a Universe
trying so desperately
to put itself
back together.

In the end all of us will go back home, and it will be completely effortless and natural. Being born on Earth and "dying" on it are only transitions. Not a beginning. Not an end. Time does not exist. Time is an illusion of the physical world. There is eternity (endless time).

I am of the same belief!

The time has passed
for empty worship

I love your poem but this particular line got to me.

Good job dear friend!

Thank you Tammy!

Very beautiful your poem, very reflective to analyze it for a while. I loved the last two stanzas.

I appreciate it!

I love your compositions dear friend @ericvancewalton. This verse is great
each one of us
we are equal,
We are just stardust
bits of
a Universe that tries
understand yourself.
Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful poetry.
have a wonderful day

Thank you, my friend!

I really like the style. It kind of gives me a beat vibe. Especially that last part at the beginning.

Thanks @bozz, I appreciate it!

We are, each one of us, a small universe. sometimes, for instants, we destroy ourselves, but like those stars that shine again with time, so do we. There is a phrase that I have always liked and I remembered it while reading your poem:
"The stars say that we are the fleeting ones". A beautiful Thursday, my friend. Hugs

So true, Nancy, we're reborn again and again, even within the same lifetime. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the weekend!

we are only stardust,
tattered little pieces of
a Universe
trying so desperately
to put itself
back together.

Something each of us needs remind one's self daily. Be better if we did. Wonderful poem, Eric. Very you. <3

Yes, we can always stand to be a little more forgiving of ourselves! Thank you @honeydue! It felt so good to write poetry again, it's been a while.

Stardusts we really are, trying to piece our existence together and in most cases, desperately trying.... A beautiful poem @ericvancewalton.

What a beautiful composition, I love poems, I want to learn to compose mine.
Have a beautiful afternoon @ericvancewalton

I appreciate it. I hope you enjoy the weekend!

Every human being equal, rich and poor, is the same, because every human being has to leave this world one day, that's why no human being's heart should be shown.

If there's any poem that teaches us to keep living while staying true to who we are, it's this. Simply wonderful.🌺

Excellent poem! Especially your last verse is wonderful.

Each of us
are the same,
we are only stardust,
tattered little pieces of
a Universe
trying so desperately
to put itself
back together.

Reminds me of an Alan Watts bit. It was something like "If you tell an Indian you are God they will say 'hurray!', because they know the secret, that it's all a game reality is playing with itself, that we are all pieces of the same thing trying to put ourselves back together again"

Thanks! I had originally used, "...tiny pieces of a Universe trying so desperately to understand itself" but changed it to read as it does now and it shifted the entire feel of the piece. It felt so great to write poetry again, it's been months since I've produced anything of value.

Lovely poem mate✨

Love the gif too..

Thank you, the gif was entrancing!

It's a tattered place we are but let's keep going, being the best version we can be, of ourselves.
Very nice!

Thanks! Absolutely, we'll never be perfect but we can strive for perfection.

Very good poetry has the reality of our lives. Have a nice day, Eric.

Thank you Eliana. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Shedding layer after layer of self, thus jumping into the vortex of knowing, aka remembering who we really are: powerful beings, beautiful souls, stardust, and

tattered little pieces of
a Universe

Beautiful poem, Eric!

Thank you Krisz! It felt so good to have the muse flowing like this again. It's very soothing for the soul.

our only choice
is to rebuild
what’s broken
inside of us

What a line to read. Though a broken world and broken self is not easy, we have to build it, and because it is broken and rebuilt is not beyond repair.

feel the sharpness
of its pain
and the pleasure
of its joy

That makes a life complete. They are like Day-Night, one's existence is rooted in the other and vice versa. Pain and Pleasure are also inalienable parts of one another.

Thanks a lot.

So glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!

🙏 🙏 🙏

In life we just still have to keep going to experience better days ahead.


It's really nice sir. I don't know much about poetry, but your poem demonstrates the significance of self-discovery and inner growth. It encourages us to believe in and embrace both the painful and joyful aspects of the journey towards personal development.

It reminds us what we once were and will become again sooner or later, great poem!