Celebrate Good Vibes, Come On!

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


There is something I never said
Replaying inside of my head
That I admire your being
The way that you're seeing
You just keep on inspiring me
To take my time and just BE
So I thought I would thank you
For reminding me exactly who
I came here to be, and honestly
There's no time left for modesty
You are full of determination
It's time for a celebration



Your poetry is wonderful ❤ thank-you for taking time to share it. I will likely share it in my classes. I love saring original art.

Should I use your avatar or your name when I say who it's author? Anything else you want to say about the poem? 🌺

Please do give my name, Shaylan Foster if you share it! And I hope it goes without saying that you should not publish it!

I am flattered :D

I'm glad! I will read it outloud. I always give credit and source info make it clear if it us not my own. Thank-you 🌺 Wishing You Peace, love, joy and blessings Shaylan Foster (because my votes are all depleted and voting power in bottomed out) 🌺 My grandmother's maiden surname was Foster.

That's okay, thank you very much! If you are up to it, it'd be cool to see a video! ^_^

I could do an audio recording ❤

I'd love that very much, honestly!!

I am glad! I read them in class and always give credit ❤