Knowing and Doing

in #poetry4 years ago


I know the stars
In their nightly course;
Where they rise and set,
Deserts they traverse.

I know the midnight
Creaking of the stair;
Laughter down corridors
When no one's there.

I know the sounds
Of distant storms;
The empty air
When someone's gone.

I know the desolation
Of late afternoons;
The pain of hours
Thinking of you.

A familiar hurt
Is still an ache;
The shame of recalling
Past mistakes.

Times when I could have,
Should have,
But didn’t

Times when I talked
And should have listened.

And now the same thought
Keeps pounding
In my brain…

I’d like a chance
To try again,

I think about it
Late at night,

How to do it again,
And this time
Make it right.

© 2020, John J Geddes. All rights reserved
