Poetic Dreams

in #poetry5 years ago

To gain your own voice you must forget about having it heard
--Alan Ginsburg


Ideas are the smokescreen
Of our wishes.

So, if you want to write –

Don’t aspire to be celebrated –
Celebrate life.

But who are you
When life is stripped bare—

Can you be who you are
And still feel secure?

Can you write for yourself
And not pollute your own well –

Can you endure being obscure
And keep your heart pure?

All mean traits in you
Must be exorcised—

It doesn’t matter
If you go unrecognized;

So, write for yourself,
For the few, for your ghosts…

And then you may be
A writer of note.

© 2019, John J Geddes. All rights reserved



this is awesome poetry. you got the midas touch man.

Thanks, Billy - appreciate that :)

This was a poem with a personal message - thank you, it was felt.

I knew you would appreciate it, Arthur - writing is like living - you live for life