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RE: Message in The Wind

in #poetry6 years ago

Oh...your poem is really mervelous.
It portrays the wind, in entire love
kisses the moon and embraces the sky
i want to be tall and hug you

where i find love, you reflect the light
where i live, you made you made my tigh
still, it is my cry to call you bright

Care little for the rest
your silence is an aroma to my food
i will be fine to call you cool
cause you are the wind that sends love

I care more about you
to you i give my all
in you i feel the oil
the oil that makes my sweat.

Hope to find you in sky
to dance with the birds
embracing that moment that we never had on earth
to read the message i sent you in the wind



Make one poetry, You are very talented

Thank you Sir. Just try my best but still learning from you. You really inspire me

wow! this one's nice too!