Jökull Inspired Poetry – Oivas’ Entry

in #poetrybounty5 years ago

About the Contest

The poetry is an entry to @bananafish’s poetry contest based on an inspiration provided on the contest page. If you fancy participating, you can find the details of the contest and the inspiration here



Music video used as inspiration is available on the contest page.



The charred sand, the lifeless stones, the burning wind, aided the awry contest, 

The Sun was at its merciless best, 

My body at its physical worst. 


The drying tongue, the non-existent sweat glands, the disoriented self, gave-in to the remorseless heat, 

The wait was for the inevitable defeat, 

Death-knell danced to its customary beat.   


There was no respite; there was no letdown, there was no escape until there was something found, 

It came from within abound, 

The cool that I yearned for around.   


My spirit spake, don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t let-go, together we will beat the foe, 

My body though was beaten low, 

All promises appeared too hollow.   


My body surrendered….   


The spirit rejuvenated the willful body; hope arose from avenues unknown, 

I will live, I will win, I will go on, this I know; 

What realm remains unconquered for a body which surrenders to the soul!!


Image Courtesy: Pixabay and Poetry Bounty banner.   


After reading your piece I hope that you'll be writing more poems, Oivas!

Right out the gate we're given a person worn down with the harshness of the sun striking the sands. To have thought of this imagery from the prompt is a mark to your imagination. Listening to the song as I read, it fit so well the mood and tone you've written. On goes the guitar and so does the person, waiting for inevitability.

The tempo picks up and with the metal comes the fight. Spirit speaking, confident and sure, it could carry the body. I love this strength! Rejuvenation and hope prevail and the journey is far from over.

Thank you @brisby! I am still enamored by the way you'll can get to the soul of a poem. I wonder if I could ever do that! 😊

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Something you have missed. I can bring a smile for you. I believe that you have not claimed your PALcoin yet. So please go to https://steem-engine.com/ and claim your PALcoin.

How much you can get ?

Ans- Square root of your SP, multiplied by 10.

Time is running out. I think only 3 days left. So go to https://steem-engine.com/ then click on "Wallet". On the left you can see the PAL logo. Click on that and authorize through "Steemconnect" with your active key or through "Steemkeychain". After that you can see your Airdrop right in your wallet. You can sell it immediately for STEEM or you can hold it also. The current price of PALcoin is 0.14 usd. Please note that yesterday night it was 0.18 usd. So it it a lucrative airdrop in Steem ecosystem.


Those are eligible for this airdrop who are active in Steem community during last 2 months and must have SP more than 10SP.

Thank you...steem on and stay blissful...

Hello @sthitaprajna bhai! I have tried out Palnet some days back and got about 0.91 PAL.

But as per your logic, I should get 300 plus. Something I have missed?

Posted using Partiko Android

You got 0.91 PAL from your post for using palnet tag. I am talking about the airdrop of PAL coin, which you can get by visiting https://steem-engine.com/. Only 3 days left, so claim it immediately.

Yes, you can get 300+ PAL coin and the price is now 0.15 usd each.

Go to https://steem-engine.com/. Login using posting key of Steem. Then click on "Wallet".

On the left you can see the PAL logo. Click on that and authorize through "Steemconnect" with your active key or through "Steemkeychain".

After that you can see your Airdrop right in your wallet. You can sell it immediately for STEEM or you can hold it also.(I would suggest you to hold it or better power it to PAL power).

The current price of PALcoin is 0.15 usd. Please note that yesterday night it was 0.18 usd. So it it a lucrative airdrop in Steem ecosystem.

Go it. Thank you. Acchha ho gaya tum se baat hui, nahin toh tokens chala jata. 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Great....I am happy that you claimed it before expiry.

Here @sthitaprajna,

I came to know of another super bounty today. You will have to start through your telegram. Here is my referral link:


Once joined, ask the admin about the airdrop. She will ask you start the Ethplode bot. Start it and start earning tokens.

All the best!

Ok, I will try it out. Thank you for letting me know about it.

Ok, I will try
It out. Thank you for letting
Me know about it.

                 - sthitaprajna

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

The structure, the rhythm and repetition here really carry the sentiment of the music. You open with such strong, striking imagery, gosh! You evoke so much of a desert, without ever mentioning it, and you bring in such feelings of perseverance, of struggle and yet, there is a hint of determination in even having made the attempt.

The idea of waiting for defeat and of that desperation gives a whole new depth to the notes of the music, longing for an end that doesn’t come. The soft whisper from within is a really moving line, the idea that the salvation longed for during in the battle fought rested within - and came out as a whisper heard once someone had fallen to their knees, on the very edge of giving up. Yet still, it isn't enough to force the body on. The way you blur the line between a physical and emotional struggle is so wonderful, and then mirroring the cut in the song with a cut in determination, a refusal to give up, the spirit surging forth in determination.

I just really love the two lines that reflect each other, both in hopelessness, and then in hope and resolution. The idea of promises appearing too hollow, this really is a poem of truth

My body though was beaten low,
All promises appeared too hollow.

You put it so simply and it couldn’t carry the meaning better, that feeling of having been hurt, been through so much, that hoping and believing seem too much, and even the most sincere promise sounds hollow.

No wonder poetry won her over for you ;) as if you have been hiding this talent away since then!


So I still have the touch? Hmm.. Let me try it on my wife today. 😊

Thanks @calluna, your assessments are so objective that it is so interesting to read.

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It is so very easy to project onto things, and especially when I am commenting for a group contest I really try not to, I am sure I still do as its impossible to be totally objective, especially with something as emotive as poetry, and this piece particularly allows a lot of room for that, which i really enjoy, it makes it possible for the poem to resonate with readers in lots of different ways. You have put an lot in here and it is beautiful. I am glad that my reflections were interesting, I always equally enjoy seeing how people read things. I feel poetry more so than stories can take on life between the person who made it and the one who reads it, taking parts from both of them to become something new, a little beyond the control of both.

You go wow her ;)


That's so true. "Miles to go before I sleep" has so many connotations and each unique between the reader and Robert Frost.

Thank you @calluna! 😊

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