Not such a fun session: recovered to only lose $2,474 though

in #poker7 years ago

Today was my first session back after my last post. I went skiing over the weekend and was too exhausted to play yesterday. Unfortunately I was getting pretty unlucky today, running around $11,000 below EV. Today i played every stake from PLO600 (3/6) to PLO5000 (25/50) over 5 hours and 24 minutes. Cant win em all...


The biggest loss of the day, bluff gone wrong. I reraised before the flop and checked back on the flop before raising his turn lead with my KK and wrap, he shoved and i called. Unfortunately, he had the second worst hand possible for me (after AAKQ) and the 4 on the river meant he took a $5,392 pot.

The biggest winning hand for today was a $6,772 pot in which i raised and called when reraised in the battle of the blinds with Aces. I checked to my opponent on the flop and turn, he bet smallish both times. A truly beautiful ace landed on the river to give me top set and i checked again. My opponent bet the pot ($1,760) and i raised all in for an extra $692. He called, presumably with a smaller set.

At some point today i was down $10,000 so i have to say walking away down $2,474 felt reasonably good. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions as to what you would like me to talk about in future posts.

