Everything Is For Sale... Just A Matter Of Time!

in #politicallyincorrect3 years ago (edited)

How many times have we heard Donald Trump blasting China for bringing covid19 to the West? He reminded us of Kissinger quote: Truth is unimportant but what is perceived to be true.

Many Western media have portrayed China as an evil villain for quite some time, have you noticed? But on the chessboard, pieces move at a steady pace and with the approval of its accusers. China keeps buying quietly anything it can as a way to infiltrate the so-called enemies under the pretense of whatever trade partnership.

Many might scream that it is not capitalism but the premise refers to "free trade and association", what is happening was entirely foreseeable. We shouldn't be surprised at all.

In 2017, a Forbes' headline read: China's Seaport Shopping Spree: What China Is Winning By Buying Up The World's Ports. It appeared that China had spent over $20 billion to acquire foreign seaports, more than twice what they invested the previous year for the same purpose. Thanks to Obama who signed various collaboration agreements with China, this way opening the door to the Asian Trojan horse.

China has been doing this for at least a decade now.

We are not against China per se but it is obvious that the end of the West as a superpower is looming. And it was all planned. This is a classic scenario actually. The status of a mega power cannot remain unchallenged forever and opponents, fake or not, know power corrupts absolutely.

A Harvard University professor accused of concealing payments he received from the Chinese government for research remains in federal custody after a brief court appearance (CBS JAN 2020)

This article goes on reading that China's Thousand Talents Plan, is a program designed to seduce potential candidates do go work for China. It turns out that this Harvard professor got paid $50,000 a month by the Wuhan University of Technology in China and received living expenses up to $158,000.

His arrest meant absolutely nothing of course and more likely was plotted by some zealots completely oblivious to the big picture. It is not just Harvard that is entangled.

Corruption runs so deep and most people have no idea how bad it is out there. While our media conglomerate instills the fear of the far-right, the left is in fact pushing for more divide and conquer. Both ends of the spectrum work toward the same goal: fascism.

Watch Out For China Buying Spree, NATO Warns, read another Forbes headline last April 2020. But thanks to the covid19 fear porn, the culprit behind the fall of asset prices. This has been the plan all along, crises have always been used, economically speaking, as trends regulating wealth transfers.

China operates six of the world's ten busiest container ports, reported the American Thinker in May 2019. It is surely interesting to learn that under Trump, the Department of Homeland Security forced China's state-owned Cosco to sell the Port of Long Beach, in California, over security concerns. A deal previously made possible with the avid support of Obama's administration. But it is too late: China International Marine Containers Group is now the world's largest maker of shipping containers.

Of course, boycotting Cosco would be pointless and very naive. What is really needed instead is to abandon monetarism completely as collusion cannot be prevented in any way. There are no such things as the "necessary evils" that we must endure caused by the flaws embedded in monetarism itself.

Yet the tally of gifts and contracts from China to U.S. universities since the start of 2013 is approaching $1 billion.(feb 2020) About 115 colleges got monetary gifts, contracts or both from sources in mainland China in the 6½ years through June, according to a Bloomberg analysis of U.S. government data. The leader was Harvard University, which pulled in $93.7 million, the majority as gifts. The University of Southern California and University of Pennsylvania were second and third. The Asian nation was the biggest contributor in the period after Qatar at $1.8 billion and the U.K. at $1.1 billion. The closer ties may be in jeopardy after the arrest of a Harvard chemistry professor accused of lying about his connections to China and concealing payments to him from a Chinese university.

Harvard Took In $1.1 Billion from 63 Nations from 2013-2019, per Department of Education